
Knowledge (Be Smart): BS
D&C 88:118

God knows all                                                         Abraham 3:19
Wisdom leads to understanding                             Proverbs 4:7
Lord beginning of wisdom                                       Proverbs 9:9-10
Continues with us after death                                 D&C 130:18-19
How to learn:
Humbly seek                                              D&C 136:32-33; 2 Ne. 9:42
Ask                                                               Matthew 7:7-8, James 1:5
Gift of the Spirit                                                       D&C 46:18
Line upon Line                                            2 Ne. 28:30; Isaiah 28:10
Study and Faith                                                       D&C 109:7
What to learn:
Office in which you stand                                        D&C 107:99-100
Books, languages, people                                      D&C 90:15
Commandments of God                                          Alma 37:35
History, Countries, Laws                                         D&C 93:5
Principle, doctrine, heaven, earth,                          D&C 88:77-79
   past, present, future, home, abroad
Seek not to counsel God                                        Jacob 4:10
Do not harken to precepts of men                          D&C 45:28-29
Do not say I know of myself                                    2 Ne 9:28-29
Education prepares you for better employment opportunities. It puts you in a better position to serve and to bless those around you. It will set you on a path of lifelong learning. It will strengthen you to fight against ignorance and error. As Joseph Smith taught: “Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense and doubt; for these cannot exist where knowledge is. … In knowledge there is power.” “To be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God.”  Education will prepare you for what is ahead.
                Robert D. Hales, October 2015; General Conference
We should teach our children the importance of schooling as a help in discovering how to think and to learn. They need to know, and we need to be reminded, that schooling is merely the formal part of education. Education should never stop, but should be a continuing activity throughout life.
                Victor L. Brown; October 1982; General Conference
There lies within you an incalculable potential for good. The small day-to-day decisions will determine the course of your lives.
Therefore, be smart. The Lord has blessed each of you with greater capacity than you realize. . . I have concluded that the work of the world is not done by intellectual geniuses. It is done by men of ordinary capacity who use their abilities in an extraordinary manner. As a member of this church you have the obligation to seek learning and to improve your skills.
                Gordon B. Hinckley, October 1972; General Conference
Because of our sacred regard for each human intellect, we consider the obtaining of an education to be a religious responsibility . . . Our Creator expects His children everywhere to educate themselves.
                Russell M. Nelson, October 1992; General Conference

The acquisition of knowledge is a lifelong, sacred activity, pleasing to our Father in Heaven . . . In our quest for truth, we need to seek the help of our loving Heavenly Father. His Spirit can direct and intensify our efforts to learn and magnify our ability to assimilate truth. . . An education is not limited to formal study. Lifelong learning can increase our ability to appreciate and relish the workings and beauty of the world around us. We should expand ourselves and enjoy the journey.                
                Dallin H. Oaks, April, Ensign April 2009

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